HMC Painting Contractors Benoni
Painting Contractors Brentwood Park
House Painting in Brentwood Park is our passion. We specialise in Interior, Exterior and Roof Painting of Homes in Benoni. Our services include Project Management, Damp proofing, waterproofing, plastering and all aspects of painting. We can also assist with Home Improvements and office renovations.
With a team of highly experienced painters, we deliver exceptional painting services.
HMC Works is top rated house painters in Brentwood Park
Why choose HMC works for you next painting Project?
Fully Qualified Painters
Color Consulation
Written Quotations
Best Service guaranteed
Respect for our clients home
A clean organised job site
Proper Preparation of all surfaces
We only use quality paid
Our Services in Brentwood Park
HMC House Painting is a professional painting contractors based in Brentwood Park. Riaan and is team looks after every aspect of your home improvements project. From choosing the right color, proper preparation work to the final clean up. Our team has decades of skills, knowledge and experience and can paint any types of residential property. From a single detached home to duplexes, we have the expertise you need.
We will make your house feel like a home
Interior Painting Brentwood Park
The paintwork is one of the most fundamental aspects of a room. If we care about appearance, then paintwork is something we want to get right.
Good interior paintwork, the right colour, applied with the right technique, can completely transform a room.
We will help you every step of the way – from choosing the colours to repairing cracks and providing that professional finishing touch.
Exterior Painting Bentwood Park
Have the exterior walls of your home / office / complex lost their charm? If the answer is YES, then it is time to consider hiring an expert and repaint the exterior walls.
We at HMC works Brentwood Park are a renowned and experienced company which you can depend on for full reliability and punctuality. We have the experience and skills to bring your home, office or business building to its potential with immaculate paintwork
Roof Painting Brentwood Park
Roof painting is a specialist job that requires high pressure cleaning and perhaps some repairs. But painting can greatly extend the life of your roof, and significantly improve its appearance. Paint provides protection from the harsh Sun, protection from mould, and helps keep the interior temperature more stable.
Roof Painting requires professional skills. We have the experience and technique to give the best results.
INSPECTION in Brentwood Park
House Painting Services
Get is done right the 1st time around
Our Suppliers in Brentwood Park
HMC works is a medium size professional residential and commercial painting contractors who enjoys the baking of some of the leading suppliers in South AFrica
Wall & All
- Low sheen paint
- 15 year product warranty
- Unmatched dirt, stain, water & fade resistance to keep your walls beautiful for years.
- Covers more as it has 2X spread rate of textured paints.
- Alkali and water resistant
- Matt finish
- 15 year product warranty
- 2X thicker paint film than conventional paints
- 23% tougher film thickness than leading competitor
- Prevents damp on walls as it covers hairline cracks
Nu Roof Cool
- Low sheen
- 12 year product warranty
- Enviroshield™ protection for roofs, UV and Infra-red reflective technology there by reducing roof temperatures
- Long lasting colour
- Cools rooms temperature which can reduce energy costs
No matter what your project in Brentwood Park entails, we provide turn-key solutions for any size project and have professional teams to provide you with the service you deserve. Our service combines reliability, quality workmanship and value for money. Our aim is to achieve an ongoing business relationship through continuous high standards of work together with a sensible pricing policy.
Product & Product Handling
- HMC Works shall provide all materials, labor, hand tools, equipment (including safety equipment) and supervision necessary to prepare and complete this project.
- All the necessary measurements will be taken prior to ordering materials or laying out the work.
- Paint will be delivered on the site in unopened containers which bears the manufacture’s name and product description
Painting Contractors Tips:
- Any loose coatings must be removed by scraping, sanding or other abrading methods.
- Repairs any holes, cracks or imperfections
- Dovetail tracks exceeding 1mm
- Surfaces must be clean and sound, free of chalk, peeling paint, damaged paint, efflorescence, oil, salts, dirt, mildew and damp residue
House Painters near me in Brentwood Park
Painting contractors Benoni, Interior Painting Benoni, Exterior Painting Benoni, Damp proofing Benoni, Waterproofing Benoni. Roof Repairs Benoni, Roof Waterproofing Benoni. Residential Roof Painting Benoni, Commercial Roof Painting Benoni, Industrial Roof Painting Benoni.
Rynfield, Northmead, Farrarmere, Actonville, Airfield, Alphen Park, Anderbolt, Boatlake Village, Lilyvale, Linksview, Morehill, Northvilla, Norton Home Estate, Oakfields, Brentwood Park, Cloverdene, Ebotse Golf Estate, Fairlead, Goedeburg, Kilfenora, Lakefield, Rynsoord, Slaterville, Westdene, van Rynh, The Stewards
Get in Touch
Due to the nature of our business we might not always be able to answer your call immediately. Please feel free to send us an on-line quote request or a whatts app to 0711751836
- Brentwood Park
- Office Tel no: (010) 502 0627
- Cell no: 071 175 1836
Email is the best way of communication. We typically answer all emails with 2 hours.
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